Where Does the Money Go?

Lottery Dollars Support Natural Habitats & Watersheds

When lots of Oregonians each play a bit of lottery, funds add up to support the places we love — including Oregon’s natural habitats and sensitive environments.

Lottery Dollars Support Nature in Oregon

What is a watershed?

It rains in Oregon…a lot! All that rain heads into streams and rivers, where watersheds move it to the Pacific Ocean. These watersheds are where salmon hatch and grow and native plants anchor the soil to stream banks. They’re where we hike and fish. They’re also where we learn to love the natural places that make Oregon special.

Oregon Lottery dollars help restore and enhance our natural habitats. Administered by the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Lottery funds have supported more than 7,000 projects across the state and counting. These projects aren’t just for the benefit of the plants and animals living here, but for everyone who gets to experience the natural beauty of our state.

When you play Lottery games, Oregon’s fish, wildlife and natural areas win. And so do Oregonians.


of Oregon Lottery funds go to watershed enhancement and salmon restoration

Featured Projects

River at 6 Mile Ranch

6 Ranch Habitat Restoration Project

Salmon Superhighway sign

The Salmon Superhwy

Ochoco Divide at McKay Creek

Water Flows in Cattle Country


Meacham Creek: An Oregon Creek Set Free

River in Eastern Oregon

Cavendar Wetlands Enhancement

McKay Creek
Lottery funds are helping our community in vital ways.
— John Stromberg, Mayor of Ashland Read Their Story
illustration of salmon in a water droplet

Explore All Natural Habitats Stories

Want to see all the Natural Habitat grants and loans supported by Lottery dollars in your county? Or even across the state?

Read On!


Qualifying for Funding — Natural Habitats

Lottery funds dedicated to maintaining and restoring Oregon’s natural habitats are administered by the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB). If your organization is involved in this work, you might qualify for OWEB grant funding.