Who Plays the Lottery

People who play the Lottery are typical Oregonians in terms of age, income, and education. We update our player profile each year to illustrate the demographics of Lottery players in Oregon. Below are some results from the 2018 research:

Gender Current Players Census*
Male 51% 49%
Female 48% 51%
Other 1% n/a
18 to 24 9% 11%
25 to 34 17% 18%
35 to 54 38% 33%
55 or older 36% 38%
Under $25,000 13% 20%
$25,000 – $50,000 22% 22%
$50,000 – $75,000 16% 19%
$75,000 – $100,000 13% 13%
$100,000 or more 20% 26%
Don’t know/Didn’t answer 16% n/a
Median $59K $60K
Some high school or less 3% 10%
High school 21% 24%
Some college or technical school 44% 35%
College graduate 20% 20%
Graduate degree 11% 11%
Didn’t anwser 1% n/a
Caucasian or white 87% 91%
-Hispanic 5% 11%
African American or black 3% 3%
Asian American or Pacific Islander 4% 6%
Native American 6% 3%
Other 2% n/a
Didn’t answer 2% n/a

Source: FY 2018 Final Report, Behavior & Attitude Tracking Study, January 2019
Total Respondents FY18 (n=2700), Current Players (n=1467)
*Source: 2017 American Community Survey – 1 Year Estimates (Oregon population age 18 or older)
**Ethnicity is a multiple response question